Odoo sales


From purchase to delivery with minimal effort

Provide clear quotations

Generate  a quotation in seconds

Design different templates and use them to save time

Use related products, discounts and other possibilities to increase your company's sales

Turn a quotation into an invoice with one click

Deliver bigger orders in parts

Invoice orders based on their contents

Maintain contracts, for example orders of digital products 

Automatic monthly invoices with renewal reminders


eSignature - allow customers to sign contact and orders online.

E-mail templates - generate different e-mail templates for different products and services to make them more clear.

Discounts - add a discount for one, many or all the products. Choose if you wish to display it on the invoice

Price lists   - generate your own price lists and the prices will be shown as you wish.

Coupons - provide coupons during campaign so client can use discounts.

Reports - generate reports based on products, clients etc. Group by salesman, product, team or anything you need.