Odoo blog


Share your stories


Just write what you're thinking of

Unique possibility to write straight to the blog allows you to share your thoughts easily

Check and modify the content exactly as the readers see it. No need to make the changes in back end

Give copyrights to a collegue or a friend

Add category's and notes to your posts for readers to go through you blog more easliy

Odoo blog

Design- choose the right theme from the 12 free themes or order a different one from the shop.

Social media - add sharing buttons to your posts for your thoughts to travel around.

Twitter - tweet a section or a sentence with just one click.

Comments - allow users to comment right between your post.

Testing - share multiple versions of your blog simultaneously to see which one is more popular.

Smart devices - make sure your site is phone and tab friendly with direct review..

LiveChat - chat with your readers online.