Odoo LiveChat


Easy help in real time


Answer questions, right away

Have conversations with customers in real time without any additional programs needed

Create filters to reach the right customer at the right time

Keep your chat active while doing other tasks with the use of a chat box at the corner of the window

Ask visitors for feedback to improve your services

Create stamps for simple questions to save time

Define the terms of the chatbox at the front end - should it pop up and in what time

Add a personal message and modify the button settings

You can add colleagues to the conversation to ask for advice and provide an even better service

Odoo LiveChat

Odoo LiveChat

Channels - for example you can define channels for different languages.

Agents - add correct agent to the channels for the visitors to get the best help.

History - lre-read the conversations to improve your knowledge or service level.

Leads - add leads right from the chat box.